Frogs to take center stage Nov. 25


The Crawford Park District is offering the following programs:

Face to Face: Frogs

Saturday, Nov. 25, at 11 a.m. at Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598.

The Crawford Park District invites families to come meet the frog ambassadors of the Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center up close! We will touch and hold gray treefrogs, American toads, a northern leopard frog, and a western chorus frog, while learning all about their life cycles.

Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of U.S. Route 30. For more information on other programs offered by the Crawford Park District, visit

Viewing the Night Sky

Saturday, Nov. 25, at 6 p.m. at Lowe-Volk Park.

Join members of the Crawford Park Astronomy Club as they share their knowledge and telescope skills with all who are interested in celestial sights. Some of the targets for fall are:

• M15 – located in Pegasus, 33,600 light-years away, and a globular cluster.

• Ring Nebula (M57) – about 2,000 light-years away, found in Lyra, a supernova remnant, and looks like a puff of smoke!

• The Hercules Cluster (M13) – contains nearly a million stars and is the finest globular cluster in the northern sky.

• Summer Triangle – an asterism of three bright stars from separate constellations.

• Andromeda Galaxy (M31) – our neighbor galaxy only 2.5 million light-years away.

• Albireo – the most beautiful double star in the sky with one star glowing golden while the other glows blue like a sapphire.

There are a lot of other objects to view. What we see will depend on what the clouds are doing.

Submitted by the Crawford Park District.

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