Don’t forget to change your clocks tonight


GALION — Some love them, some hate them, but for now, time changes are a fact of life.

Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 10, which means, many of us are going to lose an hour of sleep as Ohioans will turn their clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday.

According to the webesite, Canada was the first country to implement a Daylight Savings Time, when a few hundred natives in what is now Thunder Bay, Ontario, started changing their clocks in 1908 to better take advantage of available daylight. The first country to do so, was Germany, in 1916.

Many in this nation credit inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin with being the first to suggest seasonal time change. In 1784, he proposed, in a letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris, “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light.” He simply suggested that Parisians could economize candle usage by getting people out of bed earlier in the morning. What’s more, it was proposed as a joke.

In America, “Fast Time,” as it was called, started in America in 1918, but it was only used by a few cities on the east coast.

In 1942, at the height of World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt reintroduced the measure, instituting year-round Daylight Saving Time in the United States. Referred to as “War Time”, DST was in force continuously from February 9, 1942 to September 30, 1945.

During this time, the US time zones were called “Eastern War Time”, “Mountain War Time”, “Central War Time”, and “Pacific War Time.” After the surrender of Japan in mid-August 1945, the time zones were relabeled “Peace Time.”

Since then, Daylight Savings Times rules and regulations have been updated and changed several times. The current schedule was introduced by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and has been followed since 2007.

Arizona and Hawaii do not observe Daylight Savings Times.

Nowadays, Daylight Savings Times also serves a reminder for many in American to check around their home to make their residences and residents more safe.

Smoke Alarms

Most smoke detectors emit a chirping noise when low on battery but even if you don’t hear this noise best practice is to change the batteries yearly. Furthermore smoke detectors themselves should be replaced every 10 years.

More than 50 percent of deaths caused by fires happen in homes without properly working smoke detectors

Your risk of dying in a house fire is reduced 50 percent if there is a working smoke detector in the housei

Dual sensors are the last type and are a combination of the two. Dual sensors are recommended because you never know what type of fire you will encounter and it is better to be prepared for anything.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Anything that burns fuel can potentially become a source of carbon monoxide, an invisible, odorless gas that can kill.

CO detectors mirror those of smoke alarms: change the batteries, test them and interconnect them, if possible. Also, make sure vents for your gas appliances (fireplace, dryer, stove and furnace) are free and clear of snow or debris.

Family Emergency Plan

The National Safety Council recommends every family have an emergency plan in place in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event. Spring is a great time to review that plan with family members.

Practice your emergency plan. Include two evacuation routes, a safe room and two different meet-up locations — and make sure kids can run through it calmly.

Run through the basics. Kids should know how to call 911, identify themselves, identify their location, reach emergency contacts and get to predetermined safe locations.

By Russ Kent

Galion Inquirer

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