Galion City Council considering residential re-zone

GALION — Two ordinances were set before Galion City Council during its meeting Tuesday evening.

After approving minutes from the previous meeting, council proceeded to the second reading of ordinance 2019-5, pertaining to the re-zoning of an area in the southeast portion of the city. The area of land lies between Murray St to Sixth Ave, and from Smith St to Dawsett Ave which is currently mainly a mobile home area.

The approval of this ordinance will re-zone the land from a mobile home residential zoning district to a single-family residential zoning district which will allow manufactured or built homes on foundations.

“Current mobile homes can stay, but no new ones will be allowed,” said council member Gail Baldinger.

Council member Tammy Erlsten expressed concern that residents were made aware of this change and had been given enough time to voice concerns. It was then stated by members of council that a public meeting had been announced previously and the residents had been given the opportunity to speak then.

With that said, council agreed that there was no rush to pass the ordinance and agreed to allow it to go to a third reading to allow more time for residents to raise concerns.

Ordinance 2019-6 was then presented to council for its first reading.

This ordinance gives permission for Galion Fire Chief Phil Jackson to apply for a grant from FEMA and DHS under the Fire Prevention and Safety Grant program.

The $25,000 grant would help purchase a more up to date fire extinguisher training program, which will result in lower costs for the training being extended to local businesses or individuals.

Jackson explained that he had applied for the grant in December in order to meet the deadline, and requested that council move to pass the ordinance quickly with that in mind.

Council agreed with Jackson and suspended the rules to allow the ordinance to be moved forward and passed in a final reading.

Council’s next meeting is Feb. 26 at 7 p.m
Change would encourage more single-family housing; no new trailer homes


By Erin Miller

Galion Inquirer



Contact Erin Miller at [email protected] or 419-468-1117 x-2049.