Exploring local tributaries


The Crawford Park District is offering the following programs:

Creek Walk

Saturday, May 25, at 1 p.m. at Lowe-Volk Park, 2401 State Route 598.

The Sandusky River is 133 miles long and ends all the way up in Sandusky Bay, but did you know that it starts right here at Lowe-Volk Park? The Crawford Park District invites you to come out to explore Allen Run and Paramour Creek, the tributaries that make up the mighty Sandusky headwaters! Wear your creek-walkin’ shoes! Lowe-Volk Park is located 3 miles north of U.S. Route 30. For more information on other programs offered by the Crawford Park District, visit www.crawfordpd.org.

Viewing the Night Sky

Saturday, May 25, 9 p.m. at Lowe-Volk Park.

Join members of the Crawford Park Astronomy Club as they share their knowledge and telescope skills with all who are interested in celestial sights. Some of the targets Spring are:

• Beehive Cluster (M44) – also known as Praesepe, an open cluster of about 1,000 stars, about 600 million years old, 550 light-years away, and found in the constellation Cancer.

• Betelgeuse – a giant red carbon star or red supergiant, 700 light-years away, about 10 million years old, 600 times the size of our sun, and when viewed from earth, it is the left shoulder of Orion.

• Crab Nebula (M1) – an expanding remnant of a star’s supernova explosion, 6,500 light-years away, found in Taurus, about 10 light-years wide (which equals about 10 trillion miles), and is still growing at over 600 miles per second.

• M65 – an intermediate spiral galaxy under the belly of Leo the Lion, 35 million light-years away, and part of the Leo Triplet.

• M66 – another spiral galaxy found below Leo, 35 million light-years away, part of the Leo Triplet, and in 1780, it was discovered the same night as M65 by Charles Messier.

• Orion Nebula (M42) – a beautiful, large, local nebula, only 1,300 light-years away, (yes, that is local in astronomical terms), about 2 million years old, and is the middle star of Orion’s sword.

• Polaris – the North Star, the 48th brightest star in the sky, always visible, and the end of the Little Dipper’s handle.

• Sirius – found in Canis Major, the brightest star in our sky, also called the Dog Star, and it follows Orion the Hunter.

There are a lot of other objects to view. What we see will depend on what the clouds are doing.

Submitted by the Crawford Park District.

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