Foundation to hold annual fundraiser


For the ninth year, The Community Foundation for Crawford County is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media.

It is always celebrated on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which falls on Nov. 28 this year. Since participants are encouraged to embrace the day and make it their own, the foundation calls it “#Giving2sday” as its board sets aside a lump sum of money from which a second gift is generated for each donation.

The “2” in the title is to help donors remember that their gift will inspire a second one. This year, the foundation’s portion of that prorated match has been added to by The Mason Companies, E-Z-Go (a Textron Company), Ehrhart’s Party Store, Peacock Water, and the Hord Family Donor Advised Fund held at the foundation for a total pool of $35,000 to be distributed to participating foundation funds.

“#Giving2sday comes right on the heels of Community Foundation Week (Nov. 12-18) and National Philanthropy Day (Nov. 15),” explained Lisa Workman, the foundation president. “Since people give to people, we offer a peer-to-peer fundraising platform that allows people to mobilize their unique set of contacts for donations. We also encourage donors to consider directing a portion of their gift to our Crawford Impact Fund, as that is the fund from which we fund strategic grants in our community.”

Since so much of the success of #Giving2sday revolves around using social media to raise funds, the foundation is encouraging participants to visit its website at or, where residents can easily create their own fundraising page and use the templates provided to email contacts for donations or post their request on Facebook.

Any donations made on that website between now and the end of Nov. 28 will count towards the event, but checks must be dated Nov. 28 to count. In addition to mailing, checks may also be left in the secure drop box behind the foundation’s office at 254 E. Mansfield St. in Bucyrus or taken to the Crestline Public Library or the Galion-Crestline Chamber of Commerce that day between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Jennifer Stirm, foundation board member and chair of its Development Committee, added that there are also special incentives to #Giving2sday.

“Mizick Miller has given us a generous gift of $1,500,” she said. “With this gift, we’re holding the Mizick Miller 500 Contest, where an additional $500 will be added to the top earning fund in each of three categories: agency, scholarship, and school funds. In addition, FCBank is providing $1,500 which will be given in three $500 increments during the power hour from 6-7 p.m. on Nov. 28.

“Every person who donates money online via the #Giving2sday website during that time period will have their name added to a drawing, and the three names drawn can then add this prize to the fund of their choice. And the more times you donate during the power hour, the more times your name will be added to the drawing – with no limit!”

In 2022, the foundation contributed over $900,000 in grants, scholarships, and endowment disbursements right here in Crawford County. Home is Why!

Submitted by The Community Foundation for Crawford County.

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