Normally when a car dealer sends out advertisement flyers, they include pictures of shiny new vehicles, sometimes with a young family and their kids, or a more elderly couple with their grandkids seated inside. A furniture advertisement will feature people sitting in a nice comfortable couch. That’s what companies do to promote their product. In a series of ads from an out of state developer, looking to transform Crawford County to an industrial zone, with up to 144 650’ wind turbines, the ad did not feature this companies product. No families playing with their kids in the backyard, with a 650’ wind turbine, with it’s football field length spinning blades, hovering over them. Why not? Maybe for the same reason, this same developer didn’t make themselves publicly known when they came into the area a few years ago, until a grassroots group brought them into the public eye. Or maybe for the same reason this developer fought so desperately against the passage of SB52, and even harder to prevent the signing of the resolution to allow the people of Crawford County a vote in allowing 144 turbines, all 650’ tall, all larger than the St. Louis arch, all in Crawford County. Much to their dismay, for the first time in the state of Ohio, the people who would be living amongst these monstrosities, will make the decision of whether or not, they become a reality. This developer cannot transform our county forever, by appeasing just a few people with the enticement of money. It will be a devastating look for this developer, when, on November 8th, Crawford County will show them, the state of Ohio, and the whole country, they are not needed, or wanted here. This developer found out theft didn’t work here, and neither will their deceptive ad campaign. Vote YES on issue 4.

Roger Weisenauer

Bloomville, Ohio 44818

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