Galion area college news briefs

Galion’s Lane Foster graduates from Ohio Dominican

COLUMBUS — Lane Foster, of Galion, received a BA at Ohio Dominican University’s 111th Commencement ceremony on May 11. More than 230 graduates were joined by hundreds of family and friends in Alumni Hall.

Heidelberg dean’s list

BUCYRUS — These students have been named to the spring dean’s list at Heidelberg College in Tiffin: From Bucyrus — Kalyn Heinle, Caleb Hess Connie Hickman; Crestline — Megan Gwirtz, Allison Heacock; Galion — Jermaine Burket, Ava Donnersbach, Michaela Slone; Mount Gilead, Olivia Long.

Austin Stevens in college band concert

FINDLAY — – Austin Stevens, of Bucyrus, recently performed in a spring band concert with the University of Findlay’s Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. The performance was directed by Jack Taylor, professor of music.

Kearsten Kostelnik on dean’s list

CEDARVILLE — Kearsten Kostelnik, a music education-multi-agemajor from Galion was named to the dean’s list at Cedarville University.

Victoria Garrett in art, design exhibition

FINDLAY — Victoria Garrett, of Crestline, 44827, recently participated in the 2019 Juried Student Art and Design Exhibition at the University of Findlay. Garrett showcased her creativity in digital photography.

Crestline’s Jordan Minns in Mount Union concert

ALLIANCE — The University of Mount Union’s all-women choir, Cantus Femina and chamber choir, Kantorei, performed their spring concert on Friday May 3 in the Myers Sanctuary of the Dewald Chapel located on Mount Union’s campus. Jordan Minns of Crestline performed as a member of Kantorie.

Bob Jones University dean’s list

GREENVILLE, South Carolina — Jonathan Layton and Isaac Pinter, both of Bucyrus, were named to the dean’s list at Bob Jones University.

Bucyrus’ Austin Stevens in spring recital at Findlay

FINDLAY — Austin Stevens, of Bucyrus, recently performed in the University of Findlay’s spring senior instrumental recital. Stevens performed “Permier Etude de Concours” by Petit and arranged by Voxman on the soprano saxophone.