Support Senior Services Levy on March 17


Support Senior Services Levy on March 17

On behalf of the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, this letter is in support of the Crawford County Council on Aging Senior Service Levy. As a resident of Crawford County, I strongly believe that the renewal of the levy will continue to improve the quality of lives of the aging population of our community.

Current funding sources cannot meet the growing need of the Crawford County’s 60+ population. The eligibility for the aging group is not based on income, but rather the need for services. Levy services are critical in making a difference for family members who care for older loved ones. These services make a significant difference in the quality of life for those seniors who do not have family members nearby.

The Crawford County Council on Aging encourages the collaboration of services for older individuals. It serves as a gateway to the county’s aging network. In the last five years, the number of levy-funded senior services provided to Crawford County seniors is significant: 78,138 hours of home-maker services; 147,028 transportation trips; 279,832 home-delivered meals; 27,647 congregate meals; and 126,942 requests for information and referrals. As a community focal point for the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging recognized by the Older Americans Act (OAA), the Crawford County Council collaborates with others to connect older adults to crucial services that can help them thrive and stay independent.

The renewal of the Crawford County Council on Aging Senior Service Levy will provide the supportive and critical services our aging population will need within our community. I strongly support this levy. Vote yes on March 17.

Duana Patton

Chief Executive Officer

Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Living

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