Let’s discuss it: Political correctness


Let’s discuss political correctness.

Merriam-Webster defines political correctness as: “conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated”. Here’s a news flash folks; no matter who you are, what you say or don’t say, how you act or don’t act, you are going to offend someone.

If political correctness weren’t so serious and dangerous, it would be comical. There are those who still laugh about it when the subject arises. They do so because they fail to recognize how dangerous it has become, and what it encompasses. Political correctness has slowly stolen our rights from us; especially the right to free speech.

Some would have us believe it is something new, but it has been around for a while. In 1999, Charlton Heston spoke of it in a speech he gave at the Harvard Law School titled “Winning the Cultural War”. The term “political correctness” may be recent, but the concept as a method of suppression is the same.

If you want to divide and conquer a group, an organization, a community, or a society; political correctness is the perfect weapon.

Political correctness prevents open dialogue. It is almost impossible to discuss the real issues, much less resolve them, when we must follow the rules of political correctness.

Political correctness has permeated our society to the extent that to disagree with the favored group of the moment can get you fired from your job, expelled from college, and get you labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, or a bully. Some of the labels used recently cannot even be printed in this column.

Political correctness demands that certain groups have more rights, and be more protected, than other groups. It creates hostile work environments where employees feel so helpless and stressed they become emotionally, mentally, and physically ill.

Political correctness asks that we do not hold anyone responsible for their actions if they belong to a protected group. It means that business owners must cater to favored groups or risk losing their businesses.

Political correctness says that we must change the names of streets, highways, buildings, and sports teams because the original names may offend someone.

Political correctness is an insanity that creates fear and hostility within groups, communities, and society. An excellent book on the subject is “The End of Sanity” by Martin Gross.

If you want to control a society, one of the best means to that end is political correctness. As any military person can tell you, the most effective way to conquer a people; is to first divide them. The current use of political correctness has ripped apart the fabric of our society.

Political correctness has brought us the current means of distinguishing one group within our society from another. We now have labels such as Native American, African American, Asian American, Hispanic American; and the list goes on.

But what if we, as a society, stood up and said we only will accept one label? What do you think might happen? Might we look at each other differently? I would guess that there would be those with private agendas who would fight that change.

What if we only accepted the label of American? That certainly goes against political correctness. I am proud to say that my heritage includes Mexican, Cherokee, Irish, and Welsh. But I will be quick to tell you not to call me Hispanic American, Native American, Irish American or Welsh American. I am an American of Mexican descent, I am an American of Indian descent, I am an American of Irish descent, and I am an American of Welsh descent; but first and foremost, I am an American.

The only people that political correctness serves are those with private agendas who know that the most effective way to stay in control is to make us believe political correctness is in our best interest.

It is apparent they have won the battle to divide us by using the weapon of political correctness. But, it will be up to ALL of us, whether they will win the war and conquer us.

Johni Hipple

Contributing columnist

Want Johni Hipple to speak to your group?

Make a request in writing to Russ Kent, via email at the Galion Inquirer. His email address is [email protected] and must include the name of the group, a contact name and number, audience size and profile, event date and time, location of event, length of presentation and the topic for discussion. The request should be made at least 7 calendar days before the event.

The request must be made by a member in good standing of the group, department, or organization, and have the group’s permission for the presentation and the subject matter. It nnust be planned for safe environment, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Suggested topics, include, but aree not limited to leadership; customer service; recruitment and retention; public speaking; mentoring and coaching; techniques of instruction; setting boundaries; and time management.

The presentation should be 20-50 minutes long.

Johni Hipple retains all rights to the materials presented in the presentation. She Russ Kent have the right to refuse any request.

Also, the opinions expressed by Johni Hipple during the presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of Russ Kent or the Galion Inquirer. Russ Kent and the Galion Inquirer assume no responsibility for the content of the presentation.

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