Crawford County Salon news


The regular meeting of the Crawford County – Salon #389, Eight & Forty met May 11th, 2016 at Buehler’s Café in Ashland, Ohio for lunch & their monthly meeting.

The meeting was called to order in ritualistic form by Petit Chapeau, Darlene Leiter.. Answering roll call were seven partners.

The La Secretaire-Caissiere read the minutes of the previous meeting & gave the financial report as follows:

General Fund: $345.89 Savings: $123.54 CD: $512.19

Mona Morrison and Chapeau Darlene gave the Memorial Service in honor of all deceased partners of Salon 389.

Chapeau Darlene announced the date for the Salons Installation will be July 13 and it will be held at the Ashland AL Post Home. More information to come. All Salons will be notified.

Reports have been completed and sent.

Discussion was held and officers present from last year have agreed to continue for the coming year.

The next luncheon will be held at 11:30 am on June 08 at Bob Evans, Bucyrus, with a meeting to follow at home of Judy Diederich, 1830 W. Southern Ave., Bucyrus.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned in ritualistic form.

The remanding time was spent playing Bingo.

Staff report

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