Neumann family has annual reunion at Heise Park


GALION — The J.O. and Anna Neumann family met August 28 at the Frank Shelter House in Heise Park, with 38 members present for their 90th reunion.

Rena Lovely welcomed the group and Malinda Freeman offered a prayer before the meal. Lovely opened the business part of the reunion and everyone introduced their family and how they were related. Some new faces were recognized and welcomed to the reunion.

There were two deaths, one birth and two marriages recorded for the family book. Congratulations were offered to Jeanette (Butler) and Clancy Lauthers on their four months of marriage.

Ed Roseberry and Carol Miller were the oldest present and Danica Malley was the youngest, at five years old. Joe Foltz traveled the farthest, coming from Oxford, Ohio. The family with the most members present was the Tracht family with 11. Their name willgo on the plaque this year.

A “Get Well” was signed by all for Meg Seif.

The next reunion is Aug. 26, 2018 at the same place and the same time.

Lovely remains the only officer for the reunion. All family information should be sent to Joyce Vanatter at 1025 Tangee Place, Mansfield, OH, 44906. Joyce Vanatter and Carol Jutte have stepped up to keeping the family pictures, scrapbooks and information on births, deaths and marriages. We thank them for their work.

A group picture was taken in front of our family tree tdonated to the park by Joe and Barbara Mollica in 2006 to celebrate our 80th reunion, in August of 2007. It was amazing how much it grew from the first pictures taken of it.

A collection for next years reunion was taken up.


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